APA articles, Reading/Commentary 2019-10 "Revising the Constitution and Enhancing Defense Capabil Unlisted Video

22 days ago

Alright so due to my stay at an APA Hotel in Japan, I became aware of the essayist Seiji Fuji whom also apparently is the CEO of the hotel chain. Figured I would record my reading the English, while also giving commentary.

A link used in the video: https://en.apa-appletown.com/2019/10/revising-the-constitution-and-enhancing-defense-capabilities-are-urgent-issues-for-japan/ . You can find the Japanese version, if it exists.

Alright, apparently "nuclear sharing" actually does exist. It doesn't particularly matter, to me, given that it's not really in normal American parlance for the defense of America; we work with allies to help them defend themselves as well as to fight with them in protection of both us and our allies, so it's not necessarily important as an American these specifics.

The "award-winning" essay shared... I guess it's decent but, like, it still doesn't seem like it would have been the best; maybe judges are important to quality, but so are the submissions. This was supposedly "The Heisei Period Decline is caused by Lack of Psychological Independence" and, yet, where's the psychological talk? Then, known war crimes by Japan (SEVENTY YEARS AGO) are brushed over and also then other accusations are thrown at the Americans and others without really seeming to be intended to attack Japan after the 1990s bubble economy popped. I don't know. It's kind of silly.

The obsession with having an army is weird, given that your JSDF is already equipped like an army. I don't understand how Article 9 really stops you guys; also, after calling it a punishment, it is called a blessing for shielding Japan and keeping it out of wars after World War 2. Maybe, ya know, pick a side and stick with it. Why do you need to remove Article 9? Just ignore it, if you need to, since that is LIBERTY: the freedom to do what one OUGHT to do; no one is going to stop you from defending yourselves.

As for the Japanese language being at all peculiar, knowing a second language also helps. While there's things about the Japanese language when dealing with its capabilities... A lot of languages don't have much yet still do a lot. Like, ya know, English has a large amount of capability yet it only has 26 characters (52 if you include both upper and lower case characters) and then other puncuation marks and then numbers along with other stuff.

I hear a lot of laughter from people who let their public infrastructure rust.

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