This Adorable Mini Pig Loves Soaking In The Bathtub

6 years ago

They may not be your standard pets, but there are actually people out there who keep mini pigs as companions inside their homes! And why the heck not? Piggies fascinate people, because they are anything but subtle, for one thing. They are always obvious in their way of life and it is interesting to behold, instantly grabbing people’s attention. They are unconventional pets, single minded and always focused on one thing. Their own bliss and the things that bring it to them.

Pickle here is one such mini pig pet, but her owners love every last squishy bit of him. What fascinates us about Pickle is that he really loves sitting in the bathtub. He would just lounge there, soaking up the warmth and soothing properties of the water, acting like it is the most mundane thing a piggy can do.

He suddenly remembers that he would much rather take a shallow dive with his pristine pink muzzle, so he gets up, all chubby and clumsy, and sticks his nose in the tub. Another thing that distinguishes Pickle from the rest of his peers is his love and devotion towards blowing bubbles with his nose. He gets so carried away with his pastime, that he suddenly loses his footing and slips on the wall of the tub. So hilariously cute!

One more thing sets Pickle apart from all the other piggies and that that is his love for soft serve ice cream! Watch how he wakes up as soon as he sniffs out that cone. He is so cute, we can’t even be bothered with all that loud smacking!

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