"A Young Boy Wants To Become A Fireman"

6 years ago

"Most kids that I know have fantasies what they are going to be when they grow up, and the range of professions goes from police and military officers to teachers and different kind of scholars. And a boy in this video apparently wants to be a fireman! So, he decided to start practice at very young age. How? Well, check out this video, and you’ll see! It’s so funny, you really don’t want to miss it! This video shows an adorable young boy who is standing in his family backyard with a hose in his hands. His dad says “fireman!” and turn on the water. But as soon as the water starts to run, the boy loses control over the hose due to the water pressure and falls and lands on his rear! LOL! I have to admit this is the cutest firefighter I have seen in my life and wish him all the best in his future professional life!"

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