APA articles, Reading/Commentary 2019-08 "The Japanese-South Korean Relationship Must be Built on Unlisted Video

23 days ago

Alright so due to my stay at an APA Hotel in Japan, I became aware of the essayist Seiji Fuji whom also apparently is the CEO of the hotel chain. Figured I would record my reading the English, while also giving commentary.

A link used in the video: https://en.apa-appletown.com/2019/08/the-japanese-south-korean-relationship-must-be-built-on-correct-historical-perception/ . You can find the Japanese version, if it exists.

This was a more palpable article than the Japanese-American Relationship article that I just covered. Still, the South Koreans assassinated the wife of President Park and then Park, himself, before deciding to put the current South Korean government into place and then claim they saved Korea from Japan; President Park is the very person who helped allow the "Miracle On The Han River" to occur and, yet, power-hungry people assassinated his wife and then him as a thanks on behalf of the Korean people. Koreans seem to be easily persuaded: apparently, in order to go from anti-Japanese to pro-Japanese, it was a necessity for the excerpted Korean writer to go from pro-American to anti-American given that the Soviet Union is no longer around. Japan is Japan, it wasn't split between Socialism and Liberty like they split that for Russia and gave us the Soviet Union through the valient efforts of General Akashi (/s). Also, Japan isn't necessarily self-deprecating in its apologies: Americans, also, are incredibly guilt-ridden by things (Oppenheimer developed the nuclear bomb, as a physicist, and immediately is bemoaning his function by whining "I have become death" in unnecessary poetic tragic demeanor); also, "behave like a Western country" is ridiculous since not all Western things present as Western AND that Japan is an Asian country, not a Western country influenced by Europe, so why would they behave as Westerners when they would rather behave as Japanese? ... It's interesting seeing a Japanese patriot reflecting through a Korean patriot's works, sure, but... The South Korean guy still has his own difficults.

I am a little bitter that, due to being an American, people throw all the made up problems onto me when I have recently been in Korean and Japan yet, ya know, they think they know each other better than the American whose country helped them in the past AND the American who also has BEEN INVOLVED in contemporarily helping. Yet where the hell is the recognition as a fellow human, which you claim that Europeans didn't provide you when the British worked to end slavery throughout the world? India is a modern nation thanks to Britain... But also, everyone has been allowed to be independent after the Americans stopped their wars and then provided them assistance to become self-sufficient. And, then, the spoiled brats want to attack Americans in weird ways while trying to say that Americans are controling them. Weirdos. Whatever.

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