7 months ago

How Albert Einstein was nothing more than a fraud to promote Communism.
Albert Einstein Relativity Theory has been 100% copied from the French mathematician Poincare', the Scottish mathematician Maxwell and the Italian scientist De Pretto. Einstein wouldn't even been able to get his doctorate if it wasn't for his wife who was doing all his homework. He abused and mistreated his wife and his family and he was a sexual perv and a war monger. The Einstein fake persona has been fabricated by the Zionists in order to have a "brilliant mind" to push the concept of atheism and Communism on the masses.
If you search on Google "Einstein Plagiarist" you'll find an interesting book that explains all that in detail. The book has mysteriously been taken down from every platform and the only copy available is on sale right now on Amazon for about $1,000.

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