Will Bird Flu Be the Trigger to “Normalize” Cricket Protein in America?

9 months ago

The rise of bird flu allegedly infecting cattle has been propped up by corporate media despite the fact that there has only been one documented case of it spreading to a human in all of history. That case resulted in conjunctivitis, commonly known as pink eye. The infected individual was not hospitalized and did not have respiratory symptoms.

Nevertheless, our government and their media proxies are pretending like this is the Bubonic plague. They are prepared to rapidly distribute over 100 million “vaccines.” They are passing regulations to make it far more difficult for American ranchers to survive. They’re establishing the “Beef Boogeyman” and they’re prepared with the “solution.”

It’s impossible to know for sure if the attacks on beef and the pushes for insect protein are simply gaslighting attempts or full-blown psyops, but we can be certain the path they’re leading us down ends with beef gone and bugs in our burgers. It behooves Americans to stock up on long-term storage beef as soon as possible.

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