You can't imagine how delicious it is! You'll cook it every day! Simple recipe

20 days ago

With potatoes and minced meat, you can quickly and easily prepare a delicious meat pie without investing a lot of time and effort! Yes, this dish can be prepared in just 15 minutes! We are sure that the result and the taste of the prepared dish will bring you joy! We will show you a step-by-step recipe with which you can easily recreate this dish and impress everyone around you! So don't skip this recipe video from start to finish to learn how to make this delicious dinner!

1 onion.
1 carrot.
1 raw sweet pepper.
500g minced meat.
200 ml tomato sauce.
100 g hard mozzarella cheese.
400g potatoes.
Some vegetable oil.
Salt and dried ground oregano to taste.

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