How President Buchanan, a Hermaphrodite, Is Like biden

9 months ago

Buchanan, the only bachelor president, had an engagement that in 1819 was traumatically and mysteriously broken off. The young woman, Ann Coleman, was deeply shocked, never spoke of it, and not long after died of "hysterical convulsions" -- thought to be a deliberate drug overdose.

There's his highly notable cohabitation with William King -- Buchanan called it a *communion*. Andrew Jackson called them "Miss Nancy and Aunt Fancy". King was considered effeminate, so there is speculation re homosexuality. But a hermaphrodite cannot be homosexual.

Buchanan was six feet tall, 220 pounds, but described as small. He had tiny feet and could not grow facial hair. One eye was very near-sighted and the other was very far-sighted, and they were positioned asymmetrically.

A "chimera" is an organism whose cells derive from more than one zygote. This can happen with human fetuses. Over half of the individuals identified as chimera are hermaphroditic. "Other clinical signs ... are body asymmetry ... and different colored eyes".

Buchanan's memorial in Washington shows him enthroned on a long platform, between two seminude figures, male and female...

Jack H

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