Stan - Voice Of Wales, Gareth Icke & Robert Oulds on The David Kurten Show - 13 May 2024

1 month ago

GUEST 1 OVERVIEW: Voice of Wales are an Anti-Globalist & Persona Non-Grata in Wales, shining a light into the Cesspit Senedd.

GUEST 2 OVERVIEW: Gareth Icke is a presenter, a singer/songwriter, an author, a former international beach soccer player, and the presenter of ‘Gareth Icke Tonight’.

GUEST 3 OVERVIEW: Robert Oulds is the Director of the Bruges Group-a think tank that was deeply involved with spearheading the battle to win a vote to leave the European Union. Its inspiration was Margaret Thatcher's 1988 Bruges Speech. He's also a Conservative Party politician, broadcaster, and is the author of World War II: The First Culture War published by Bretwalda Books and the paper: Clear Blue Water: Getting Brexit Done & Brexit Freedoms.

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