Above The Law: Steven Seagal CIA Disclosure - Menace II Society | A movie used to plan a homicide?

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Above The Law: Steven Seagal’s CIA Disclosure - Menace II Society | Was the film used to plan a homicide?

While researching the case of Tommy Daughdrill, I’ve been using a process of Timeline Looping or Informational Dowsing that uses the magnetic process of films & their relationship to the Fibonacci Sequence within the ‘spiral playback’. We accept that stocks can be monitored this way…heard of a Fibonacci Retracement in the stock market? This is like using a Fibonacci Retracement to track past/future events using the common frequency (words) between the two & georeferencing. It’s a complex process I can’t describe easily but can definitely prove works.

Here is a quick recap of the Twitter-X Thread that I’ll be reviewing with tonight

Menace II Society - Script Aligns with Homicide of Thomas “Tommy” Daughdrill on August
Using Timeline Loop Dowsing I started looking for New Line films w/Samuel Jackson during the same era as Exorcist III

Jackson (Samuel/Mississippi) both led to reviewing Menace II Society (1993) which had nearly all the key details of Daughdrill's homicide

Coincidence or plan?

CIA Counterintelligence uses fake writers to produce 'red herrings' in Hollywood fictions

This gives them the ability to discuss key details of a homicide they are planning while pretending it's about the production of a film

New Line Cinema=Nazi/CIA run studio

Tyger Williams?

Every key name & detail of Thomas Daughdrill's homicide by Frank Bannock is in the screenplay of Menace II Society

Was this how CIA Counterintelligence planned his murder out in the open?

Did the studio use the production of Menace II Society to plan the homicide of Daughdrill?

I was able to find a connection between Daughdrill's homicide & Menace II Society in ways that couldn't possibly be coincidence

Samuel Jackson plays Tat Lawson
Thomas Daughdrill's partner was Tot Lawson
Key names of others close to the case too.

The script was written in 1992

I learned that Daughdrill was asked to speak on Satanism as part of his community outreach & considered an expert on Occult Crimes. He was asked to be on the panel for Geraldo's Satanism series but declined while Ted Gunderson (FBI) & Lt Col Michael Aquino both appeared as guests

If Daughdrill was already on the radar of Temple of Set & other groups with CIA Counterintelligence ties, then certainly they would be using the Order of Nine Angles, embedded in Hollywood Film productions, to commit these crimes w/planning/protection of the most powerful in film

Order of Nine Angles using Filmmaking as Ritual Sigil Magick. The process of making a film, as a ritual murder sigil, anchors the film as a blood sacrifice to be witnessed by the masses. The vibration/frequency of the names repeated like a spell/hex on the victim Tommy Daughdrill

I apologize to my brothers & sisters in law enforcement who are fighting this & don't feel like their efforts are appreciated

When I live streamed on this topic, I was very frustrated from years of being disregarded because of how I'm able to detect these things

I respect you

Steven Segall CIA Zodiac Killer - Order of Nine Angles Thread

Above The Law (1988)

Steven Segal started his action film career playing former CIA Operative & Vietnam Vet Nico Toscani

Who plays Kurt Zagon, his corrupt CIA trafficker nemesis?

Henry Silva
Timeline Loop Actor

His roles serve as Timeline Warnings/Data Transfer Timeline Loops

Zagon (Silva) is a CIA trafficker (think Air America) chemically torturing/interrogating locals over missing opium shipments

Nico (Seagal) has his first run in with CIA corruption in Vietnam when he walks out nearly being killed by Zagon’s team for being a conscientious objector

Nico returns from Vietnam, becoming a local cop in Chicago. He catches a local mafia connected lawyer bringing in C4 explosives & runs a sting operation to catch him with the local police. After a successful sting the FBI is told to stand down by the (Silva) Zagon-connected CIA.

Nico w/fellow local police officers learn that no matter what they do to fight the mafia interstate crime, the FBI under guidance of the CIA let the mafia go & tell local police to stand down

This happened/s a lot actually & not at all a plot device…it’s a ‘common problem’

The local Catholic Church Nico attends gets broken into & they ask him to investigate personally because some of the people in the basement get nervous around police…Nico & his partner half-jokingly tell him they do too.

“Our leaders, tell us & talk to us about them…& us…about all of mankind as one. Now we have an obligation to find out what is truth. We need to study, to question & we need to read & to find out what they are doing in our name & we must support those brave souls who seek truth”

Nico witnesses a bombing of his local church & knows who did it. He is hamstrung by the FBI who not only refuses to cooperate but seems to be protecting the mafia.

Truth is very close to this Timeline Loop ‘fiction’

Henry Silva is in this timeline loop & they will add a cipher or Cryptogram @ key moments to provide proof

O Kreuzer & Co
Cruz / Kreuze

Bogota anagram
Gab Too/OTO

I showed the OTO codes for the Agape School

Feds/CIA connected people are stonewalling me just like his character

Another clue is dropped - the link between CIA & embedded staffers who ‘run’ Senators/Congressmen (CIA Tail Wags Actor Dogs)

Hey folks, did I mention my family lived in Washington DC when I was a kid because my father was an aide to Senator Warren Magnuson?

Timeline Loops

Nico is suspended for defying the FBI orders to stand down. After the mafia threatens to come for his family he decides to take the investigation into his own hands. He forces the FBI to do their job & find who picked up the explosives used to bomb his neighborhood church

Nico cracks a CIA computer w/a friend & gets a list of the CIA operatives connected to bombing the church & w/plans to kill a Senator

What does Steven Seagal know about CIA Counterintelligence connections to the Zodiac Killer & Order of Nine Angles?

A great deal would be my educated guess

Timeline Loop
09A Zodiac claimed 37 victims
They are a team
Not unsolved
FBI is protecting them w/CIA

I’m certain of that

Zagon tortures the priest who was hiding in the church w/a chemical weapon-truth serum to find out what he told Nico

The priest tells Zagon that Nico knows the CIA was torturing children

Is it any wonder that our Mockingbird MSM (filled with/CIA) is constantly mocking Steven Seagal now?

He was hip to their game in the 80s but nobody would’ve believed him then if he told them that he knew what was going to happen now in 2024

“The Bankers are the CIA”

Keep on-

Nico makes a line between Nazi war crimes & the misdeeds of the CIA…(this especially holds true for the Counterintelligence teams connected to James Pettigrew)…who no doubt many knew about but learned could not get arrested for their crimes due to jurisdiction

Above the Law (1988) Timeline Loop

The Shining | “all work no play makes jack a dull boy”

Exorcist III | “stop & smell the roses”

I have posted about these films being Timeline Loops recently

Was Nicola Toscani’s name partially a reference to Detective Toschi who hunted the Zodiac Killer?


Zodiac claimed 37 victims
Toscani staged next to 37

Above The Law is a Timeline Loop

The Zodiac Killer was/is CIA Counterintelligence with the Order of Nine Angles

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