Sharyl Attkisson Investigates Rise in Blood Clots

1 month ago

Courtesy | Full Measure

Lies we were told.....

2002 - Iraq had WMD's when in fact under UN investigations proved they did not but Iraq still ended with a million+ dead civilians by Nato/US forces.

US invades Afghanistan to get rid of Taliban, only to hand power back to Taliban 20 years later??

2010 - Libya Gov't decided to attack Benghazi, but for no apparent reason? Again, only for UK to bomb Libya and kill more civilians including their leader.
Note, Libya had a higher standard of living than some Western EU countries - given that married couples received free housing (before getting bombed by the West).

2011 - UK aiding and abetting terrorists, Al Qaeda in Syria also known as al Nusra, Isil, Daesh, White Helmets, Free Syrian Army so as to replace the Syrian President, Bashar al Assad - It failed.

2016 -Trump collusion theory w/Kremlin was a DeepState setup in order to discredit President Trump since he defeated 'insider', Hillary Clinton.

Joe Biden got Ukraine's national prosecutor, Mr Shlokin fired if he continued to investigate his son's alleged money laundering operations in several countries including Ukraine itself - evidence of which was later discovered on his son's lost laptops.
Biden media claims that the misplaced laptop wasn't his son's (when it actually was)

(Wikipedia removes Hunter Biden"s company, Rosemont Seneca)
Social media also censors all info about Hunter Biden's laptop just prior to the 2020 election.

People registered as 'dead' (but still on voting register) didn't vote Biden in large numbers online at 2020 election -
Even though Biden mysteriously got way more votes (81m) than Barack Obama did in previous elections??

As story of Hunter Biden's latop spreads, it was then claimed as foreign disinfo by 51 former intel staff who lied at the behest of Biden's Secretary of State, Mr Blinken.

2019 - Covid-19 didn't originate from a US Gov't linked bioweapons lab in Wuhan?
(It actually did)

The vaccine was safe and effective??
Within several months after 12 million Brits had already got jabbed with AstraZeneca's vaccine, it was quietly shelved across Europe due to its dangerous side effects. Excess death rates have since increased since Jun 2021 across Western countries.
Insurance data confirms rise in excess deaths.

2022 - War in Ukraine was unprovoked? When in fact Ukrainian far right Nazi groups were radicalised for over a decade with $5 billion US tax dollars according to Victoria Nuland (which she undertook personally under several administrations) and oversaw the bombing of Orthodox Christian communities right across Eastern areas since 2014.

US accuses Russia of bombing its own NordStream gas pipelines to Germany?? Seriously.

2024 - A drug often used as 'off label' called Ivermectin was derided by media and authorities as a vet medication even though under WHO its an essential drug that won a Nobel Prize, but now 3 years later, its status is rated back again as a legit super treatment for Covid.

Pakistan's democratically elected populist leader, Imran Khan is ousted in a coup d'etat with US clandestine influence according to Imran Khan himself (currently in jail)

Pedophile, Jeffrey Epstein didn't actually kill himself?? Seriously?
He, Ghizlane Maxwell and her father, Robert Maxwell were all connected to M0$$AD.

Anthony Blinken's father was the lawyer for Robert Maxwell.

Kate Middleton hasn't been seen in public since last Christmas. Several fake photos and AI videos released since.

Two interesting films have since been released in last few years but censored on YT among thousands of others.
Died Suddenly
2000 Mules
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