Longevity Odds

8 months ago


When we think of longevity, we falsely believe it is about the quantity of life and how many years you live. However, we must consider the quality of life. Scientific studies need help quantifying this because it is generally a qualitative assessment that is hard to measure.

All in all, when it comes to longevity, you must give yourself the best “odds” possible for a productive life of both quantity and quality. There are so many factors that can play a role. The feeling of freedom is often positively correlated with a higher quality of life. In the health world, the less you feel enslaved to procedures, medications, and doctors, the more freedom you have. The main goal is to prevent you from getting to the point where you are enslaved to healthcare. Once you are indoctrinated into the system, getting you out of it is very challenging.

#health #nutrition #longevity #healthcarematrix #freedom #qualityoflife

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