Wtf? Bread

8 months ago


Ever wonder how bread can last so long on supermarket shelves and counters these days? Bread typically starts to go stale in about 2-3 days. Many people would not buy stale bread from the shelf, yet it can stay there for about a week. For companies to profit, their products need a long shelf life. The extra chemicals and preservatives that get added to bread these days are what solve that problem. However, that cost of convenience comes at a price. It messes with your gut, your hormones, and your metabolism. It is no wonder that the United States has a metabolic health problem (along with many other issues with our food).

I love bread but would not buy it in a United States supermarket or a chain bakery. There is a time and a place for bread, but it should not be a dominant part of anyone’s diet. If you live in the United States, I would make your bread yourself with quality ingredients or ditch it altogether.

#bread #health #nutrition #metabolichealth #guthealth #carbs #preservatives #soy

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