Israel Isn't Winning Friends but LOSING Friends | Larry C. Johnson Dialogue Works

28 days ago

yeah United States is losing and you know as we talked a little bit earlier with respect to how could they not lose with the talking to other countries the way they are I mean our only option is you know if you don't do what I...Nima, if you don't do what I tell you I'm going to impose sanctions on you or I'm going to attack you now please be my friend! who wants to be friends with a crazy person like that? that's the United States, there's nothing nice about us anymore. we are like a disease and man we need to find a cure forward because our sickness is provoking war, chaos, look at what we're doing in in the state in the country of Georgia trying to stir up a color Revolution there in order to overthrow the legislature because the legislature is not doing what we want because we want to have a country where we can go buy whichever group of politician we want and own their ass and make them do what we want and by God you're not going to pass a law that's going to prevent us from doing that because this is our world we control it I mean that's our attitude and the Russians the Chinese and rest of the world starting to wake up go who wait a second this country is out of control and it's like you take take the car keys from him don't let him get in the car and drive he's driving Under the Influence...

Israel Isn't Winning Friends but LOSING Friends | Larry C. Johnson

Dialogue Works

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