You Are Not A "PERSON".

21 days ago

To become FREE, you have to learn their legalese games.

All statutes refer to "the person of"......
The unlawful warrants refer to "the person of".....
You are not a "person" as per the Black's Law dictionary definition.
They refer to a "natural person", but that's not you either!

You might simply Google this, and in 2024, you'll be lead astray about this definition because they want to hide the truth from you.

The "person" and your living body are not the same in the law.
Law vs legal.
Not the same.

This is not speculative.

I've challenged jurisdiction 10+ times calling them out on this distinction.

Go back a few decades to find the legalese of the truth.
What is a "natural person"?
You think?

Think of titles.
Judge. Officer. Teacher.
Those titles all refer to human beings, but not living beings.

Words matter.
Words create the juris-diction.

Once you learn the LENS at which to SEE the fraud and deception, you'll understand how to be free.

You will walk the earth differently.
Because you know who you are and who you are not.

A traffic citation does not scare me in the least.

Want to hear a story?
This is Legal Fockery.

Scott, in the video, drives "in the private".
We both do.
We teach you exactly how to do it.

He was pulled over for speeding.
Ok. Is that a crime?

Scott's truck is not registered with the state.
It's "in the private".
As is mine.

But one must stop for a policy revenue officer who has been trained to pull you over in order to pirate you life essence of energy.

Your money.

When presented with the information, "sir, this automobile is in a private trust. I am a foreign national driving in the private. I am not subject to your jurisdiction."

Yeah yeah go blow your sov/cit nonsense.
When you know what you're doing, you're free.

Cop has no idea what to do.
There is no license.
There is no registration.
Issues a citation anyway.

But what will he/she attach it to?
You can't make him go to court?
You can't threaten to suspend his license.

But cop will issue a ticket anyway.
Ok let's look the ticket.
What does it say?

Scott Q. Public
No address.
No phone number.

Just a court date and a phone number.
No address of the court.
Are you laughing yet?

Why no court address?
Because what the citation IS, is an offer to contract using fear and deception to get you to contract.

To get you to be so afraid of it, that you just call the phone number and pay via telephone.

You've been so conditioned to be afraid of the points on your insurance that you just pay to get rid of it.

You did that voluntarily.

But you're a Lion, not a sheep.
You're not going to pay.

So you call.
You ask for the police chief.
You get him on the phone.

"Hey, this is Scott Q. Public. I'm calling in reference to this ticket #12345."

Chief: "Oh yeah Mr. Public. Yeah sorry about that. That deputy hasn't been informed about foreign nationals yet. We're really sorry about that. No need to do anything and we'll have a talk with him.

Can you do me a favor though?
Can you just not speed in our town?"

Reasonable request.
Maybe, maybe not.
Depends on the conditions. LOL

True story.
When you know how to stand, the civil servants obey you.

When you claim nonsense you saw on tiktok, you're laughed at and fined even more.

You still have the leash!
The driver's license!
The registration!
You cave giving up your 4th & 5th at the window.


Uncensored truth!

We Have No Obligation To Conduct Business With Our So-Called Ex-Post Facto Government.

So Many Government Attachments You Think Are Required By Law Simply Are Not.

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