Brown + Green Noise, Black Screen 🟤🟢⬛ • 12 hours • No mid-roll ads

2 months ago

This composition blends brown and green noise. The brown noise is prominent, with the green noise set at an amplitude 2 dB lower than the brown. This careful layering not only allows the two noise colors to be discernible but also harmonizes them into a unique and immersive auditory experience. It can help you relax and get some sleep, and may alleviate the effects of tinnitus. Enjoy, and rest well.

Fun fact: brown noise is often called Brownian noise because it is named after Scottish botanist Robert Brown, not the color brown. It can also be called red noise.

Another fun fact: green noise is not an "official" color of noise, so there may be multiple interpretations of how it should sound. I crafted mine using this definition attributed to J. Russell Lemon: "As I remember, it was flat from 500 Hz to about 2 kHz and then rolled off at 9 db/octave. Below 500 Hz it rolled off at 6 db ?? per octave." You can read his original message here:

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