Shots Fired During News Conference Promoting 2 Genders Campaign

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Video: Shots Fired During News Conference Promoting 2 Genders Campaign, (watch at 7:54 mark and again at the 8:20 more shots are fired). Summary: Shots were fired at Public Advocate during a live news stream video announcement of a billboard campaign supporting Chole Cole and two genders.

Details: Eugene Delgaudio president of Public Advocate said today: "During a live video stream of Public Advocate's announcement of a national billboard campaign to promote 2 genders, 5 shots were fired directed at us and four other volunteers holding banners next to the billboard we paid for near Front Royal, Virginia. Three police cars responded and we interviewed with the authorities. I have filed a report. There were no injuries.

"My reaction to the gun shots being fired during our news conference. This clearly was in reaction to our defense of Chole Cole and her request that we do not affirm transgender demands, that we stand firmly for 2 genders. I was clearly discussing this during the shots being fired on a bull horn and our cameras recorded this in our broadcast. I was determined not to allow several shots being fired near our billboard slow me down or stop our event. Following our event, police responded in force and I made a report of this incident. I feel confident in law enforcement taking this seriously. This video is a tribute to the victims of transgender violence, a shout out to the victims of terrible transgender surgery like Chloe Cole and support for Riley Gaines in her fight to end bullying and violence in women's sports by transgenders.

👉 Help us stand for the truth of two genders and get more billboards posted:

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