International Public Notice: the Settlement of the Corporations By Anna Von Reitz

22 days ago

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Article 4815 Video - International Public Notice: the Settlement of the Corporations - Monday, May 13, 2024 By Anna Von Reitz

As reported some months ago, Pope Francis has been out of office owing to the dissolution of the Office of the Roman Pontiff and the underlying Romanus Pontifex Trust in 2011, and the fact that Benedict
XVI did not provide for the transfer of the Ministerial Office prior to his own death --- a situation that has baffled everyone.

That conundrum now appears to be solved as Pope Frances has reacquired an ancient title, "Patriarch of the West", that was once accorded to the Roman Bishop when the Roman Empire was divided into East and West portions and operated under two capitols --- Byzantium in the East and Rome in the West, while the then-Church similarly operated under the Patriarch of the East and the Patriarch of the West.

We are witnessing a truly remarkable moment in history.

Rome has fallen flat on its nose after being estranged from the
Eastern Church for centuries, and after the Patriarchs have roundly
condemned Pope Francis's stand on same sex marriage and other
exceptionally liberal changes of doctrine that Francis has championed,
they have apparently forgiven him, welcomed him back into the fold of
the Orthodox Church, and given him an office --- Patriarch of the West
--- without which he could not continue his administration.

We have no information about the specifics of this Deal of the
Century, but we can and do speculate that Francis will have to act
with much more circumspection with regard to any doctrinal changes,
which will require input and oversight from the Eastern Church under
the old East-West system.

A sigh of relief from conservative Catholics can be heard on a
worldwide basis following this announcement, however, this is echoed
by a groan of misery from the fringe of Progressives who were looking
forward to "normalization" of homosexuality and changes to the Holy
Scripture's translation in the Roman Catholic Bible to accommodate
this, also ordination of female priests, same sex marriages,
normalization of pedophilia, bestiality, and other sexual "choices",
and official inclusion of Satanism as part of the ecumenical

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