What We’d Tell Ourselves About Investing 10 Years Ago | Dividend Investing

8 months ago

Many of us would like to go back and slap our younger selves, which is what we would like to do in this video :) Not necessarily the mechanics of investing, but what we would tell ourselves about the lifestyle of investing. Let us know what you would add!

*Read these books: *

_The Intelligent Investor – Benjamin Graham_

_The Clash of Cultures: Investment vs Speculation – John C Bogle_

_Poor Charlie’s Almanack: The Wit and Wisdom of Charles T. Munger -Peter D. Kaufman_

*_We may have an interest in these investments. We encourage you to do your own research about each company and make a decision whether or not you want to invest in that particular company for yourself. This video should not be considered financial advice. Do NOT buy a stock just because it was in this video. This video is just our analysis of the stocks we wanted for our dividend-based portfolio._*

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