This Guy Got Hit By A Car While He Was Riding His Bike

6 years ago

Biking is such a pleasant experience! Everyone wants to be healthier, right? Well, the moderate or rigorous exercise you get from bicycling can go a looooong way in helping you on that! Also you want to save money? Done. How about saving the environment? You can do all those thing just by owning a bike! Crazy, right?

Bikes are so fun! Come on, everyone knows it. Want to be cool? Get on a bike. It can be a road bike, cruiser, city bike, folding bike, mountain bike, or something else, but chances are that no matter what kind of bike it is, it will make you cooler.

However, when you ride a bike you have to be twice as careful! We enjoy bicycling on the public roads and on paths off the roads -- and we like to share that adventure with other people. But that adventure comes with real serious risks: Bicycle riders get seriously injured out there, both on the public roads and on off-road paths. You can see the danger of it from this video! This guy rides his bike on the road when he suddenly gets hit by a car! The video end when he hits the ground but we hope that he didn’t get injured!

People are not always as careful as they should be with their bicycles. So guys let this video be a lesson to you and always be careful when you are riding a bike! Wear a helmet and proper equipment!

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