Grandpa Breaks Trampoline After Doing A Backflip

6 years ago

To be honest, the more trampoline videos we get at America’s Funniest Home Video the more I start to think they might be the most dangerous item that American families own. Even with the netting around, as you’ll see in this video, no one seems capable of trampolining safely or without incident at the very least. Of course, I still want one in my backyard, because, you know, I’m very responsible. But other people? Hmm…not so much. However, I’ll probably do something stupid as soon as I get the chance if I ever own a trampoline.

The older gentleman in this video is attempting to complete a series of backflips on the trampoline. His first go is pretty decent but he does not stick the landing so he tells the woman behind the camera that he is going to try and do one more. You know, we keep calling this guy old and grandpa but he may just have gray hair. For example, I had a teacher in high school who had a full head of gray hair but was only 30 years old. He was still going to raves too, which even high school I found a little odd, but no judging.

Anyway, the older man with the gray hair appears to be in pretty good shape. Just look at those calves! He uses them to go for his second backflip. This time the flip comes out alright and he lands it mostly upright. However, when he lands he also bounces backwards and straight into the trampoline net which does not hold him up! Crashing through the net he lands on the ground tangled up while the woman filming steadily shows him on the ground while she laughs.

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