The Kimberly Cloud Show LLC Promotes Politics Part One

20 days ago

Running for State Senate without any help is very hard on me. I do it not for the credits or votes, but i need to saturate my audience with "choice." You have a choice to vote for me as someone that WILL truly help this 34th District. I'm not making you do anything!!! Note: You all do not know me personally, but i am rooting for a more able, fulfilling, trustworthy, Seattle. Are not you tired of politics playing a role in everything, or do you want your life controlled everyday? We have the right to freedom of speech, but I'm not here to talk about filibusters. I am here to talk about statistics, three shows, and elaborate on four subjects that does not quite make sense?

1. Why did they cut the studio time in Seattle Traditional TV Community Channel in 2020?
There is a population of nearly 800,000 people here in the City of Seattle. Why at the brink of the City great Recession with receiving a whooping 15.5% decrease in drop in labor. 2020 was a bad recession. It rose a little bit in 2021 but then we had inflation which went up to 14.1% in the second year that it took off.
I asked though why did so many good people in the television network hat had a golden ticket to make your videos come to life in our great Seattle, why did they get fire or moved.
This is a quote from them: "The new model sought to rely less on financial support from the City and to supplement traditional television production techniques with new social media technologies."
Why wasn't our city helping with getting young adult to new older people stories out their onto the Programming. Why don't we care anymore.
Everything is paid programming why couldn't we have a platform that told beautiful stories. Why could City Counsel agree upon that. Now we have to be in school and make you guys revenue through college. Now if we are not students we have to pay for studio time. Its not right freedom of speech is dead.

2. How many children is in Washington State: 1.7 million? Next Question how many teachers are active in Seattle 200,000.
This has to change. Teachers make approximately 23.31 a day. That is 2,898 dollars every two weeks. That's not enough for the teacher every year that goes by it could have changed the pay and benefit you guys receive. You all are the first responder to our communities and our student need a proper education. Without this they will be lost. Now back to teachers make 2,898 dollars every two weeks if the mortgage is 2,227 average for Seattle then that's one pay check for a single mother. Or how about 671 for the first paycheck being dominated and held by groceries and gas prices being high.

3. The population in Washington State houses over 7.8 million people. How are we safe when there are only 9,000 documented officers. Yes they have a 9 clip chamber, yes they have gun plates for protection, but that does not solve the problem of secretively de funding and making it tougher for police officers. Once you work in any field of tragedy and courageousness mixed in with other serious factors you don't come back from that the same its exactly like being over in Iraq or a hardship tour somewhere over seas. Their hard work goes unnoticed and they also HAVE to suffer from some-type of mental health issues. Now this isn't necessarily a bad thing but when you have them working overtime all-day seeing death getting numb being numb shooting shootouts you will suffer why cant they have better pay? Sleep exhaustion is something that can damage someone if not treated properly. They need more cops on the field with freedom of speech so that they have a right to speak but not do any harm to other unless its their job. That why cop accidentally kill because you allow them to work overtime and they aren't in the right mind. they need proper time to themselves not just sleep. Lastly what scary is that they can be identified easily because of the shortage.
4. How is the ethnic background in South East Seattle? Also the homeless veterans out on the streets, how do they live? How can we help them?
There are 1,569 documented veterans that are homeless right now in Seattle. They allow drug pushing drug use any-type everything plays in these shelters. The YWCA did me dirty with their veterans program. They told me that i had a bed and then took it away. They feed me through other drug addicts methamphetamine everything that went on there was corrupted and wrong and the cameras will tell you my timing if they still have the footage? This is wrong what they. do to Veterans every veteran gets noticed as just a no number person. They do not care drug flood our cities. Only drugs that should be flooding our city are JUST Medicinal marijuana PERIOD WHO is getting really paid off this zombyfication project 2024

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