Attacks on RFK INTENSIFY! (Kennedy Americans, Ep. 31)

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2024 Independent presidential candidate Robert F. #Kennedy Jr. has been under attack from every direction in recent weeks, evidencing the threat he poses to the two-party system.

Since the addition of Nicole Shanahan to the ticket as #RFK's running mate, #Democrats are growing increasingly concerned about the electoral impact Kennedy might have on President #Biden's re-election chances.

Biden continues to trail behind former president #Trump in the polls -- but not by much; a percentage point or two, within the margin of error.

That means November is shaping up to be a very close contest, and already #RFKJr is being made the scapegoat for whichever party loses.

Democrats are calling him a spoiler for MAGA, saying that a vote for Bobby is a vote for Trump.

Republicans call him a spoiler for Biden, saying that a vote for Bobby is a vote for Biden.

Both the Biden and Trump camps are also deploying scare tactics to frighten away potential RFK voters by falsely labeling him some sort of extremist.

Donald Trump called Kennedy a "Marxist, far-left radical" this week, in what seemed a desperate attempt to bring #MAGA voters who might vote for Kennedy back into the fold. His son Donald Trump Jr. and Fox News Trump mouthpiece Sean Hannity also hit hard at RFK this week, attacking his environmental record and other "loony liberal" policies.

Democratic Party operatives like Lis Smith and Keith Olbermann, meanwhile, are labeling the Kennedy/Shanahan ticket as "far-right," "MAGA," and even "fascist!"

Their media lapdogs launched a series of hit pieces this week attacking Kennedy's stances on everything from #abortion to puberty blockers, gun control, and the #Gaza war.

Then came the "brain worms" story that caused a feeding frenzy, providing late-night comedy fodder and even prompting Kennedy to crack a few jokes about it.

We will discuss all that and more on Episode 31 of the "Kennedy Americans" podcast, with our panel of #Kennedy24 campaign volunteers, social media influencers, and voters.

Join us as we respond to these media smears and distortions of his policies. We set the record straight about where Kennedy really stands on the issues that matter most to Americans.

Premieres tonight at 8 PM Eastern!

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