Almost all central banks around the world anonymously dumping dollars

25 days ago

Video: "Mystery buyers" in developing-world, almost all central banks around the world anonymously dumping dollars, buying gold 發展中國家的“神秘買家”,全球幾乎所有央行都匿名拋售美元、購買黃金

The USD is soaring against other global currencies, because of high inflation and interest rates at home, which draws USD from foreign buyers. This should push down the gold price, and especially demand from foreign buyers.

But foreign central banks in particular are dumping dollars and buying gold. Strangely, developing-market central banks are doing so especially. Even more interesting is that much of this buying is being done via third-party proxies, to conceal the identify of market participants.

The freezing of assets in the aftermath of the Russia-Ukraine war shocked central bankers around the world, who are moving with new urgency to keep as much of their FX reserves away from banks and institutions that are connected to the SWIFT system. That they are executing so many of these trades anonymously suggests that bank officials may be concerned about being sanctioned personally.

由於國內高通膨和高利率,美元兌其他全球貨幣正在飆升,這吸引了外國買家購買美元。 這應該會壓低金價,尤其是外國買家的需求。

但尤其是外國央行正在拋售美元併購買黃金。 奇怪的是,發展中市場央行尤其這樣做。 更有趣的是,大部分購買都是透過第三方代理完成的,以隱藏市場參與者的身份。

俄羅斯-烏克蘭戰爭後的資產凍結震驚了世界各地的央行行長,他們正以新的緊迫感採取行動,將盡可能多的外匯儲備遠離與 SWIFT 系統相連的銀行和機構。 他們以匿名方式執行如此多的此類交易,這表明銀行官員可能擔心受到個人制裁.

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