Oak Hill Church of Christ 5-12-24 Message: "It's Not Me"

14 days ago

Oak Hill Church of Christ Elder, Curtis Lively, delivers a message on the ways in which God touches each of our lives with the things we need in order to walk the path He gives us.

There are many movies and books written about Heaven, and some of them are from people who claim to have had 'near-death experiences' that brought them to a deeper and more full understanding of the life beyond this one.

The Bible shares with us the story of Paul in the New Testament who writes about experiences which were indescribable as Jesus revealed to him a deeper and greater truth about the promise of God which he could not even fully put into words.

For some people, like Paul, a 'near-death experience' was what was needed in order to get them focused on God and living for Him. It put things into perspective and allowed them to see the world in a different way. Perhaps, to cherish this life more, and to have a strong and defined purpose.

For others, God has revealed different things to help guide them on the path God has provided to them. Whatever God has revealed to you, use it as an opportunity to reignite your faith and renew your desire to run the race God has given to you.

If you're finding yourself too far removed from the glory days of your fiery faith, obey Christ's command in Revelation and return to your first love. Rediscover that energy and renew your dedication to God today.

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