SHOCKING: US Senator sparks outrage over Gaza comments!

4 months ago

Right, so how much Israeli money does it take to purchase a US Republican Senator to the point he goes on live TV and calls for Israel to be allowed to treat Gaza like the US treated Hiroshima and Nagasaki at the tail-end of WWII? About a $1m does it apparently. That is apparently how much the US senator for South Carolina, Lindsey Graham has taken from the Israel Lobby. Two million people in Gaza, let’s just wipe them out, because apparently doing it in Japan was the right thing to do, he believes it was the right thing to do, so why shouldn’t this terrorist threat as he calls it, calls the occupied people in Gaza, the vast majority of whom are not Hamas of course, be treated in the same way. Life is cheap when it isn’t yours on the line, the mass murder in effect as this would be of 2 million people, though his defenders will of course say that this isn’t a call for genocide either. This is exactly how genocides begin. Rhetoric like this, for which Graham will face no censure, no criticism and no consequence, though may well continue to accept pro Israel donations of course, which many people might well surmise to be for services rendered at the end of the day.
Right, so first of all congratulations South Carolina, you elected an absolute lamb there didn’t you? The military officials, the people in the know of all things military you would imagine, are full of it so he says. All those Military officials were pointing out, as NBC host Kristen Welker tried to explain as she got a chance to get a word in edgeways, was that weaponry is no longer the blunt device it was back in the days of the Manhattan Project, that they are more precise and can prevent more casualties, yet to that, they are full of c*ap according to Graham. Preventing casualties is what it came down to and he just didn’t care, talk about drunk on power, even when in opposition.
The military people are right though, weapons move on become more precise, but also more powerful. What would be the modern day equivalent of an atomic bomb be? Akin to the ones dropped on Japan? They were made of far lower quality radioactive material, which rapidly decayed and dissipated. which is why those areas were able to be colonised again. That isn’t the case with modern nukes, that is exactly why Hiroshima and Nagasaki have been recolonised, but Chernobyl for example has not been. Worlds and a good deal of time apart, terrifying technology that has sadly advanced and moved on. What Graham is calling for is no longer remotely a sane comparison or argument, if it ever was even then, back in WWII, which I heavily dispute. These weapons should never, ever be used, shouldn’t even exist anymore in my view.
Fundamentally though, when it comes to calling out Israel because Lindsey Graham won’t have a bar of that, Israel should be able to do a Hiroshima to Gaza to his mind and no doubt many Zionists would cheer the thought, though that’s one heck of a sun tan you can look forward to if you plan on colonising Gaza afterwards at some point in the next 10,000 years and well, you’d better hope the wind doesn’t change and render Israel uninhabitable too due to the fallout. It is inane stupidity, from a stupid little man who doesn’t know what he is talking about and thinks saying these things makes him look big and clever to an American audience, and I daresay the MAGA cap wearing types will respond positively, but anyone with more than two brain cells fighting over third place I would hope would be justifiably horrified, I’d hope Genocide Joe Biden was appropriately horrified, but he’s remained silent on Graham’s comments, though when one of his own side, Rashida Tlaib called the phrase ‘from the river to the sea’ aspirational and a rallying cry for freedom, he came down on her like a ton of bricks. Making this all the worse is that Graham’s comments come after Biden held up an arms delivery to Israel as a warning, saying there’s no way he is going to keep sending weapons to Israel if they are going to be used in Rafah.
Frankly if Graham’s words aren’t incitement to genocide I don’t know what is. Step up The Hague please, though I won’t hold my breath, like I said before, there will be no consequence or censure for these words that if carried out would not only be one of the biggest travesties in modern history, one of the worst atrocities any of us will have borne witness to, but it’ll paint a target on the US for advocating it, with nuclear retaliation to potentially follow. Mutually Assured Destruction, isn’t that your excuse for having nukes, the treat of using them, but never actually doing so? Someone should fill in Lindsey Graham on that perhaps, but then when you’ve had more than $1m in Israel Lobby funding, a figure aggregated from, a money tracking outfit in US politics, it's literally what they do, so the question therefore to Lindsey graham is what are you offering in return for that cash?
Well turning into a full on out of control rage monster the moment Kristen Welker brought up the fact that Ronald Reagan suspended arms sales to Israel certainly did it, your party Lindsey, your former President, but that your next go-to response being to bring up Hiroshima and Nagasaki and why was it right to do that, was just an unhinged and very disturbing segue. But isn’t that just the crux of it. Defend Israel, that’s what the cash is for. We’ll help you get re-elected through AIPAC, through whatever other donations tied to Israel that have tracked and every time you see Lindsey Graham go off on one in Israel’s defence, you have to bear in mind he’s probably got the money he has off them, off the Lobby, for doing just that, for services rendered.
Right now, with arms shipments suspended because of the threat to Rafah, even Joe Biden has finally caught onto the realities of the situation despite his own unabashed Israel devotion, Senators like Lindsey Graham are saying what Israel want said in US politics. They want their weapons, they want their war, they want the US to pay for it and the likes of Graham want that too, because some of that cash, or the cash of other Zionist supporters invariably end up being used to help their own re-election campaigns. Where even Biden hesitates to keep supplying Netanyahu’s insane regime, you’ve got even worse elements now advocating for another Hiroshima moment. If we thought our political outlook here in the UK looked hopeless, the US shows it can be so much worse, but again it is lobbyists behind the scenes letting their money talk that shapes what goes down and that is definitely true of both countries right now.
Lindsey Graham and his chatter needs to be seen for what it is, bought and paid for, an Israeli voice in a place where only US voices should be heard. Politicians in the pocket of other nations need holding to account for that, so really the only question for him going forwards if this is the level of his political discourse, is what exactly have Israel paid for with their £1m?
Of course he’s not the only one and certainly not the only right wing crackpot falling over themselves to show their loyalty and devotion to the Israeli state. The ICC and those arrest warrants you see, you should see Republicans lining up to threaten the ICC with invasion no less over that, get the details on that story in this video recommendation here and I’ll hopefully catch you on the next vid. Cheers folks.

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