Taste of Jordan: Apricot Mint Smoothie Escape

25 days ago

Jordanian Apricot & Mint Smoothie
This refreshing smoothie is a delightful taste of Jordan, bursting with sunshine-y apricots and cool mint. Packed with vitamins and healthy fats, it's a perfect way to start your day or enjoy a satisfying afternoon pick-me-up.
• 2 cups fresh apricots, pitted and halved
• 1 cup plain yogurt (or your favorite plant-based alternative)
• 1/2 cup fresh mint leaves
• 1-2 tablespoons honey (depending on sweetness preference)
• 1/2 cup water or plant-based milk (for desired consistency)
• Ice cubes (optional)
1. Prep the Fruit: Wash and pit your apricots. Slice them in half for easier blending.
2. Combine Ingredients: Add the apricots, yogurt, mint leaves, honey, and water or milk to your blender.
3. Adjust Sweetness: Start with 1 tablespoon of honey and blend. Taste the mixture and add another tablespoon if you prefer a sweeter smoothie.
4. Blend to Perfection: Blend the smoothie until it reaches your desired consistency. If it's too thick, add a splash more water or milk.
5. Chill Out (Optional): If you're craving a frosty treat, add a few ice cubes to the blender and blend again for a chilled smoothie.
6. Serve & Enjoy: Pour your vibrant smoothie into a glass and garnish with a sprig of mint for an extra touch of Jordanian flair. Enjoy!
• For a thicker smoothie, use less water or milk.
• Frozen apricots can be used in place of fresh ones. Just be sure to thaw them slightly before blending.
• Want a protein boost? Add a scoop of your favorite protein powder to the blender.
• This recipe is easily doubled or tripled to share with friends and family.
Get Creative!
• Add a squeeze of fresh lemon juice for a tangy twist.
• For a richer flavor, use Greek yogurt instead of plain yogurt.
• Feeling adventurous? Experiment with other fresh fruits like peaches, mangoes, or berries.
• Drizzle your smoothie with a touch of rosewater for a truly authentic Jordanian touch (optional).

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