Matthew’s (Okay...Let’s do this!) move from Paganism to the One God

19 days ago

A great interview with the remote viewer, Matthew from "Okay...Let’s do this!"

I recommend watching this in sections. It IS long. We WERE ‘in the zone’, AND it IS fascinating and VALUABLE information.
All the time stamp notes are listed below my links.
INSPIRITION @The Speaking House Full ‘Teacher/Facilitator’ Training:
Training to become and found your own Speaking House school. Your place of experiential learning.

Honouring the Spirit and its true purpose as our Human body selves has not yet been practiced widespread in education, other than the Pestalozzi, Quito, The Tekos, Russia and a few beginnings in the Free-School movement across the planet. -Not even in the Steiner-Waldorf schools, where everyone had to learn the dogmatic system.

I will be training you to honour, and facilitate each and every human being’s inner wisdom, preparing the environment, building and training your team, structuring learning with living.
The training is based upon my three books: (purchase and download here) 
From Duty to Joy: The handbook for children’s 5-D learning.
The Source-Energy Handbook to Activating Your Creativity &
Brave Souls: How to Act good and Feel better

We cover:

The Child and her/his growth, joy and healing

Conscious Parenting

Theories of Learning:

What is the Intuition?
Learning Stimulus: what is the Prepared Environment?

Playful Experimentation: why does it work, how does it look, what is it in action?
Multi-Sensory Learning: Why does it work, how do we make it possible
Baggage-less Children- how can we facilitate this?

Elements of The Prepared Environment

Living and Learning in the Outside World
New models for Schools
This training takes one year (48 sessions) of weekly two hour online sessions and four-hour weekly exercises. The cost should be £10000, but is currently being offered to you at £3600. This is important, urgent and vital in order to train the teachers of tomorrow. The realisation of the extent to which we have been duped is spreading towards critical point. We need to begin now.

"From Duty to Joy” :The Handbook for Children’s 5- D Learning, Dr. Isabel Aimee
The Source Energy Hand Book to Activating Your Creativity, Dr. Isabel Aimee
You can message me to book a personal session, and find my books on the Books and Courses page of my website
I work with groups of adults to aid harmony and creativity, and visit schools to activate children's creative potential.
I work through donation- with a minimum fee of £50 for the hours’ session and afterwards, you decide how much you would like to donate for the experience.

Below is the link to my INSPIRITION music :
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3.59 the story:
Paganism as curiosity, based upon effects: how can I effect my reality for certain results. Others said, if you believe in God, you can go through prayer- and the Bible.
6.0 The pagan beliefs did not have a book- and I was suggesting these were occulted.
7.50 He accompanied a group to Salem, and discovered they lacked the principles of faith, community bonding. Coming over to Germany, he was introduced to the Bible.
8.45 Reading the Bible started his conversion….
But researching the history of Biblical events, he realised we were being kept thoroughly in the dark.
12.10 “The Book is alive!” referring to the bible…
14,40 The perception that the bible was ‘alive’, was squashed in the same way as Matthew’s childhood perceptions of people’s energy had been.
16.00 Children worldwide have had these abilities squashed out.
17.20 How Matthew woke this ability up again: but he had to overcome the controlling we fear we acquiesce to as children.
19.00 it was a story of years taking away each layer which has been built up and understanding what was being removed to reveal the true self again.
20.00The analytics had to match up so that the fear could be removed.
21.12 the glowing golden cross on his forehead- that told him by a human or someone else.
23.00 how did this manifest into his face the forehead cross and the Bible being alive, and the original ‘wiccan’ faith.
24.45 some physical events happened: the first night of real prayer: expressing anything and everything and feeling physically heard
26.30 the next morning he felt washed clean refer to our original interview where Matthew described this as a baptism of spirit. I make the point that humans and our workings have been hidden for so long so it is important we under stand these processes of reuniting with our spirit.
27.30 what are we, is God internal or external, are we all one, or are we just from the one. The CIA programming and the truth.
29.20 people put limits into their system of mind, heart and belief and because of those it affects how much spiritual energy they are able to live with and use.
30.00 how did this affect Matthew's remote viewing : how much are we allowing this spiritual energy to come in
32.00 the heart of this is allowing spirits to be in you and acknowledge your divine essence enables you to go beyond what's for dinner and see what is for everyone's dinner in the future…
33.33 and all the systems vaccinations et cetera designed to shut us down mean we don't know what we've missed mental and spiritual
34.34 the Bible has given Matthew the spiritual reality versus the reality we are presented with of limitation.
35.10 but the spirit cannot be hurt. An example is of the two medicine we have lost, but we can use our spirit to access it
37.00 there is the disconnection to nature and all its herbal medicines and a disconnection to church with churches closing
38.30 the spirit however will transcend all of this Isabel gives her example of her man who lives 5 1/2 thousand miles away from her and yet they keep connected
42.30 Matthew refers to his spinal cleansing after his night of prayer and Isabel labels as the Christ oil the crystal soil or the kundalini rising the occulted knowledge
43.32 is a conversation, a symbiosis, a connection when we reach towards Source, Source reaches towards us. We are heard and we begin hearing.
44.00 the electrical field of transmission to and from God to us through our nerves and a spinal cord
45.00 Different TYPES of VISION are explored: I use the analogy of a child looking at an adult as an indication they have heard, in the same way addressing God with our full potency means we can be heard by God and we can hear God
46.50 and then we move on Matthew states how the eyes can prevent us from seeing. We are used to seeing certain things with our eyes, but to see the things within we have to look without our eyes. My analogy of communication between God and human initiated another important point of spiritual seeing to be communicated.
48.00 Choosing NOT to look into he yes as a way to enable someone to feel more comfortable.
51.00 but how do people start to learn this, how to do this.(I would say begin a conversation between yourself and the divine, come on then call-in expect the connection and the communication to exist and use Matthew in my example as encouragement to know that this is very real and possible.)
52.00 just as Isabel uses with children to encourage their imagination, this is a process of trusting the perception of communication happening from within.
53.20 Matthew predicts Isabel working with adults to preserve and maintain their connection through strengthening their imagination: once the adult is fixed back to their real self the child in their family will never be broken- or lose their own divine connection.
54.20 Isabel summarises Matthews process from childhood gifted to hibernation to freeing and cleansing to seeing again
56.00 when the spiritual connection is made the vitality is returned the fun and joy and the abilities to see things such as Matthew does with his “okay let's do this” show.
56.40 And people challenge him to ‘see’ things he would never investigate off his own bat….. he goes on adventures with his remote viewing.
57.35 Matthew speaks of his viewing of the North Pole and the passage to inner earth- the Whales use this, and swim through…
59.10 Many people would corroborate this…
01.01.01 What does story or improvisation do? it allows youth step out of where you are, into somewhere new. And you can use this for healing, relief and creating.
01.01.25 it refreshes. and we both go there. Music can also take you into another mental state.
“the tip of the iceberg of what human beings can do and create. Our ability to create songs and sounds.”
01.03.03 Isabel speaks about her newest book, “Your Voice Heals”, we are antenna on all levels, hearing and uttering sound creates things…..
01.05.17 And this allows us to be somewhere else…using our mind…instantly.
01.06.30 We need to value THOUGHT more: thoughts going against our feelings, thoughts of joy bringing more energy. Beyond any measurable system we yet have.
01.08.15 Polytheism: the many gods…little demigodlets, really just other beings…. putting little authorities above us…rather GOD WITH US.
1.10.30 Matthew’s view of the polytheism as a failure. The PROOFs he received from the ONE GOD, were utterly different. ( The feeling and the ‘aliveness’ of the Bible. )
01.12.12 The polytheistic experiences seem to be devoid of the real, experienced feeling. A claim in verbiage only…
01.13.33 Matthew feels like he is learning in this remote viewing enterprise. He wants to become a pastor and look into the field of exorcisms.
01.14.33 Why are so many people still trapped in the old polytheistic approach…
01.15.30 How can we shift the fear…people still see their lives as separate ‘items’ rather than they all fall beneath the umbrella of fear….
01.16.30 Because of these separate definitions, we have to ‘attack’ each one…..people are trapped in separation…of various kinds.
01.17.55 I mention an example of how difficult it is to get out of this state….how do we overcome deepest trauma-fear…
01.18.40 as an adult working with a child, I fill the atmosphere with high vibration.
01.19.05 How do you do that for a planet?!
01.19.29 It is happening, but HOW is it happening?
01.20.50 Like the polytheism of little godlets, we gave our minds to the authorities and news and politicians…
01.22.15 Once we realise we have been doing this, medicine, faith, and a blossoming of freedom will re-emerge.
01.22.45 We could clear ourselves with our iMAGINATION- in the same way that Matthew cleared his body and felt it through his spine…. Could we clear the world like this too…? As a fun experiment….( Answer is, we could. And I know someone who is doing it and his name is Scott Mckay- it’s why his post went viral in 2020.)
01.24.24 Matthew can see this causing the Earth to change with a GLOW. Our energy will create that.
01.25.28 Many have spoken about the ‘closed system’ we live within, Isabel Speaks of the puncturing of this artificial barrier by activating our spirit and activating the Earth herself more.
1.28.49 More and more of us will start working on this as part of a collective TEAM to bring this about. And start celebrating people for their wisdom and love as expressions of GOD.
1.31 We go on to speak about the existence of the demonic realm and how we need to learn to recognise they DO exist, how much power they ACTUALLY have and where the REAL power lies….

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