The Fibre Myth, Debunking the Need for Roughage in Gut Health

7 months ago

The Fibre Myth, Debunking the Need for Roughage in Gut Health

Why would we want roughage going through our bowels?

Anyone who believes this has no clue whatsoever how sensitive the insides of our bowels are and the cells that form our gut lining

Roughage is the last thing that you want inside your digestive system

Is it any wonder that in pretty much all interventional studies the zero fibre group are the only ones to get full remission of their symptoms?

Often the more fibre that is added the worse the symptoms get

If you really believe that fibre is essential for health

See if you can articulate the reasons for why

Or are you just repeating what you have heard/been told

We can not break down fibre

We don't absorb fibre

Fibre is a polysaccharide, which means it is made up of many sugar molecules

Fibre can irritate the gut lining due to it's “roughage”

Fibre also blocks the absorption of nutrients from the foods we consume alongside it

Struggling to see how it's essential so far

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