Kingdom unshakable

9 months ago

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Kingdom unshakable

Prophetic word
Mette Mirani Sternkopf
13th of May 2024 05.41

My children, derailments are coming, more fires in your cities will come.

I Am taking down your altars for your dead gods, who have no power. I will destroy the nest where the snakes and the rats are.

The occult and the dark world, witches and warlocks I Am coming for you. Freemasons, your time is up! What you loved most I will take that out of your hands! You took what was holy and sacred in My Eyes and you are a stench in My nostrils!

Earthquakes will appear in places that have never been seen before in Scandinavia.

Don't be so sure that you can't be shaken, because I Am That I Am, do what I please. I Am taking down the strongholds in your countries that have been in the hands of the wicked.

Listen, the time is now for my Remnants to repent before I will come with a mighty wind. Make sure that you are grounded in Me, in My word and in My Spirit.

The anointing will flow from Me to My Bride.
You are radiant, beautiful and you will glow and shine with My glory.

As I overshadowed the disciples with the fire I will do the same with you.

It will be clear who has been with Me in the secret place and I Am about to lift you in a way that you have never imagined.

It will be in an unprecedented way that could only be given by Me, says the Lord of Host.

I will shake that can be shaken. The incorruptible, Nobel, pure and holy will be standing.

The cleansing in the body of Christ has begun. I Am weeding out the wicked in your midst. They are wolves in sheep's clothing and they have been preying on you. I hate the robbery and the lies. I have had enough! Enough is enough!

To the lukewarm, I have given you a lot of time to repent, but you refused while there was still time. I will spit you out.
You will never be able to say that I wasn't merciful. The time was given and the time is up.

I gave 120 years for people to repent before I flooded the Earth. Noah was righteous before Mine Eyes.

I forgave Nineveh of their sins, because they repented. I gave them forty days to repent.

I Am calling My righteous to get their house in order. Get your house in order!

Make a heart check. Ask Me where have I transgressed against you oh Lord? I will show you where you have transgressed against Me.

Listen to Me! I always give a warning before I come with judgements so you have the time to repent. This is mercy and love because I love you.

After the judgment there is always redemption, a way out where there is no way.

Freedom, redemption, restoration, full recompense, peace, joy, prosperity, blessings. I will anoint My Bride so the world will be witness to the glory that will be seen on Her. She will no longer be beaten, mocked and hated. She will enter into My glory.

My warrior Bride is awake and alert. She knows who she is in Me. Rise up! Rise up and Roar! The table has turned! Now, My warrior Bride, you are chasing your enemies and overtaking them!

I Am flipping the switch! I have turned the tables! It's My turn says the Lord of Host!

Exodus 20:3-5
You shall have no other gods before Me or besides Me.

1 Chronicles 10:13
1 Samuel 15:23
2 Chronicles 33:6
Leviticus 19:31
Leviticus 20:6
Leviticus 20:27
Revelation 18:23
Revelation 21:8
Galatians 5:19-21
All the scriptures are about witchcraft.

Matthew 24:6-8
For nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom, and there will be famines and earthquakes.

Genesis 1:28
And God blessed them and said to them, be fruitful and multiply, and fill the Earth and subdue it [using all its vast resources in the service of God and man]; and have dominion over the fish of the sea, the birds of the air, and over every living creature that moves upon the Earth.

Haggai 2,6-9
Isaiah 60
Isaiah 61
Prophetic word, Kingdom unshakable, Faith, Glory, Prayer, Jesus, God, remnant,

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