Chinese Artist in Beijing creates masterpiece in 3 minutes

6 years ago

This artist grabs every tourist's attention in Summer Palace, Beijing, China.

Touring China requires that someone is up to the challenge of conquering the seemingly endless stairs that leads to one palaces or monasteries. If you want to see various attractions, you have to prepare yourself to handle not only stairs but to hike on steep mountains. Tired with our trip to the ever famous China Wall, we have lost our energy to tackle more stairs and more hiking when we came to the Summer Palace. Eager and curious to see what the temples look and what are inside these temples, we climbed stairs and was welcomed by an artist who was creating on the spot artworks for tourist to buy.

In this video, you will see him putting the final touches to his artwork. We recorded the whole process but we opted to cut it off because some people were blocking the view. He was able to complete this in less than 3 minutes. The purchaser was beaming as she handed over yuan paper bills to the artist.

Everyone wanted to get a glimpse of what this artist was doing. Without us noticing, we were already pushed aside and was not able to record more.

With this artist, it was worth climbing stairs to see what is at the top of those stairs. Of course, the temples were nice too.

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