Mark Levin EXPLODES on Bidens Pro-Terror stance

4 months ago

Mark Levin EXPLODES on Bidens Pro-Terror stance
It’s about time someone is putting America first he’s right Americas first
And this types of people are our friends? Who the hell ever said they should be in Europe. 🤡
the money of Qatar is more important than Jewish. in one side he said I'm stand with Israel in the other side he neglected Israel.
November can’t come quick enough!
Biden, Harris, Obama and the globalists, secretly funds hamas to destroy Israel. I said this since last year that Biden will betray Israel. And it's happening. They want to usher the antichrist.
Zionists arrogance has no bounds, if they can threaten the man who signed everything for them, then who will be safe? the U S. has created a monster the west can not control.


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