The Order of Freedom - the only principle that can save the world

6 months ago

Many people ask themselves, how is it possible that billions of people got injected with a bioweapon they call vaccine that got millions killed and not one single prosecutor in not one single country ever charged anybody.

The answer is simple: Because the entity who is supposed to arrest these people is part of the conflict the entity itself caused.

In my book "The Order of Freedon" (thanks for the English title to my friend
) I explain how a legal system without government and truly neutral judges would work.

Opinions of leading scholars about the book:

"After his almost prophetic books "New World Order exposed" and "The United States of Europe," Janich has presented the book "The Order of Freedom" in which he vividly explains my scientific theses using many practical examples."
- Prof. Dr. Hans-Hermann Hoppe, University of Nevada at Las Vegas (emeritus), President of the Property and Freedom Society

"Reading Oliver Janich is always stimulating, exciting and mostly outrageous. Anyone who wants to be excited, outraged, and enlightened at the same time should definitely read his new book "The Order of Freedom"
- Prof. Dr. Thorsten Polleit, Frankfurt School of Finance and Management, President of the German Ludwig von Mises Institute

The book on Amazon:

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