9 months ago

David Harshfield, MD
David Harshfield is a pioneer in regenerative cellular medicine and he has brought his talents to The Institute of Natural Health on a visiting-physician basis. Dr. Harshfield is an Interventional Radiologist with specialization in musculoskeletal radiology, has been exploring autologous adult stem cells since graduating from UAMS with Honors in 1981 and has become an industry leader in cellular restoration.

He is bringing his nationally renowned expertise in cellular therapy to The Institute where he will treat a variety of conditions without expensive surgery and extended recovery or rehabilitation time.

Career Highlights Include:
Chairman of the Institutional Review Board (IRB) for the International Cellular Medicine Society (ICMS), as well on serving on the ICMS advisory board and the Board of Directors for the American Association of Orthopedic Medicine (AAOM).

Certified by the American Board of Radiology (ABR) and skilled in all aspects of diagnostic radiology including Standard and Functional MRI, CT, Ultrasound, Mammography, DMX and Interventional Radiology.

He lectures across the U.S. and internationally, coaching physicians on the correct procedures and healing impact of cellular therapy. Dr. Harshfield travels the nation to educate and offer instructive support to the doctors in the Strategic Cellular Therapy Network (SCTN) as their cellular medicine expert.

12:00:15 From Steve : Just this weekend I contacted my mechanic to find an old car for me. I don't trust our newer Camry.
12:00:18 From read.ai meeting notes : Harvey added read.ai meeting notes to the meeting.

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12:04:10 From Kofi adega To Dr. Tom Lewis(privately) : Hello Tom , have you noticed my email sent yesterday?
12:05:55 From Dr. Tom Lewis To Kofi adega(privately) : I did - you have unhealthy relatives. Contact Jodi and have her run our risk assessment and then I can see the bigger picture. jlaird@healthrevivalpartners.com
12:07:06 From Dr. Tom Lewis : I find BMJ most credible which does not mean it is credible.
12:08:25 From Dr. Tom Lewis : Steve. What year is Camry - my strategy is to buy the bottom model. My Camry Hybrid 2018 - steel wheels - not much in technology - and 50 mpg
12:10:38 From Steve : Replying to "Steve. What year is ..."

It's a mid-model 21 hybrid. At least it doesn't have an internal camera as the latest cars do.
12:11:10 From Steve : Replying to "Steve. What year is ..."

I meant an inside cabin camera.
12:12:27 From Kofi adega To Dr. Tom Lewis(privately) : Thanks.
12:17:20 From Steve : What the general consensus (of you all) of Frequency Specific Microcurrent?
12:19:00 From Dr. Tom Lewis : Steve: Not totally knowledgeable but the current follows the path of least resistance. Thus, if you are treating something between the electrodes it is very beneficial. PEMF and magnets provide less amperage but can penetrate more deeply. No question - healing is amperage - electrons heal.
12:19:47 From Dr. Tom Lewis : Tennant and Amy Marshall would be my go-to people to understand the “frequency specific” treatment.
12:20:26 From Steve : Replying to "Steve: Not totally k..."

Perhaps you can get Rob Vanbergen to present.
12:21:42 From Steve : Replying to "Steve: Not totally k..."

12:22:08 From Doris Fellenz : Thank you Steve.
12:22:21 From Dr. Tom Lewis : Steve. His name came up before. I’ll work on it.
12:22:35 From Steve : Replying to "Steve. His name came..."

12:22:47 From Joel B Peterson : Ditto!
12:29:47 From Doris Fellenz : How do I find a Doctor for this therapy that Dr. David is presenting now.
12:30:33 From Steve : Replying to "How do I find a Doct..."

Yes, that's always the conundrum.
12:32:19 From Louise Vogel To Dr. Tom Lewis(privately) : Tom, I subscribed to A Midwestern Doctor and today there’s a discussion on medical practice. Do you want me to alert people to Health Revival Partners web site and free Zoom sessions? Or not.
12:32:19 From Joe Connolly : Reacted to "Yes, that's always..." with 👍
12:33:16 From Steve : Please repeat the MRI parameters which work with the B5 contrasting agent
12:33:58 From Dr. Tom Lewis To Louise Vogel(privately) : You can
12:34:15 From Louise Vogel To Dr. Tom Lewis(privately) : OK will do.
12:34:50 From Dr. Tom Lewis : Of all things, I JUST got Rob Vanbergen’s newsletter with his personal email - I wrote back to invite him.
12:35:12 From Joel B Peterson : Reacted to "Of all things, I JUS…" with ❤️
12:35:12 From Steve : Replying to "Of all things, I JUS..."

12:35:51 From Pixel 8 : What happens when you inject the buffered glucose to a healthy person or someone that doesn't have the issues you're speaking of?
12:38:15 From Steve : Has Plasmapheresis been discussed in the past?
12:39:26 From Dr. Tom Lewis : Not it hasn’t
12:39:47 From Steve : Replying to "Not it hasn’t"

May be a complementary therapy.
12:40:29 From Paul Mondello : does CPAP usage help
12:41:11 From Dr. Tom Lewis : No Paul - need to move away from that and solve the problem - many issues with those systems - mold, etc.
12:41:49 From Paul Mondello : OK Thank You
12:41:54 From Dr. Tom Lewis : Steve: Quantum summit 2024 Jun 8, 9 Cape Canaveral, FL. https://www.quantumsummit1776.com/
12:42:02 From Steve : Reacted to "No Paul - need to mo..." with 👍
12:42:06 From Dr. Tom Lewis : I’ll be overseas
12:43:14 From Maura : Reacted to "No Paul - need to mo…" with 👍
12:43:28 From Steve : Replying to "Steve: Quantum summi..."

Tnx. Looks to be another RaadFest, but will c/o.
12:48:58 From Steve : would herbal pain remedies have the same effect of inhibiting healing?
12:58:30 From Melissa B : This was totally amazing. Thank you so much Dr. H.
12:58:35 From Brenda : I'm interested in the vascular pain in legs from vericose veins. So you can help this?
12:58:38 From Doris Fellenz : What about my question?
12:59:16 From Maura : Extremely interesting - thank you
13:03:25 From Susan : Does Dr. Harsfield have an office in Las Vegas, NV?
13:03:55 From Joel B Peterson : I’m starting to see sugar cravings in a different matter! No wonder why we all crave sugar, and that’s worldwide!
13:04:35 From Joel B Peterson : Good question Susan:)
13:05:18 From Steve : Was Excellent!
13:05:35 From Doris Fellenz : Thank you Dr. Harshfield.

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