4 months ago

My Hearts Palace

In the depths where malice once dwelled,
I've drawn back the curtains, truth upheld.
Faith, hope, and love now reside with grace,
The holy dove descends upon this place.

Hand in glove, we're a divine duet,
In my heart's palace, where light is met.
He raises his chalice, a sacred toast,
The bread and the wine we share are sacrifices for the host.

In my heart's palace, I surrender all,
My soul, my spirit, my being, to her thrall.
An insatiable demon she may be,
But my sword and shield will set me free.

Three days, three nights, he lay in slumber deep,
Descended to the realm where secrets keep.
Through death's embrace, he rose with power,
The ultimate triumph, the darkest hour.

In my heart's palace, I take my stand,
Against her beguiling charm, her wicked hand.
The war rages fiercely, no quarter given,
Neither of us is yielding this battle for heaven.

In my heart's palace, I surrender all,
My soul, my spirit, my being, to her thrall.
An insatiable demon she may be,
But my sword and shield will set me free.

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