ThePottersClay: Setting Our History on Fire, This World is a 100% Deception!

13 days ago

“Those (Morons) Who Do Not Learn From History Are Doomed To Repeat It.” - George Santayana (1863-1952)

The official version of human history is a construct of lies. We are in a state of collective amnesia. Let's free ourselves from the artificial matrix that has been imposed on us.

This world is a 100% deception, and I realize that's hard for a lot of people to understand.
Note: Joe Rogan is also an Controlled Opposition Psyop Traitor WOMAN!

My shared Joe Rogan videos, Showing 10 of 41 matches:
As we progress further into the end times it would seem the truth is being revealed like never before and we can clearly see the deception is at an all time high.

Our true history may be hidden for now, but you can be sure the Father will reveal everything in his perfect timing.

For now we can just pray for discernment, and seek Truth through developing a relationship with Jesus Christ.

Not sure how much time we'll be allowed to share video's like one so feel free to use this and any of the videos on my channel in any way you see fit.

God Bless,


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How to be Saved - The Most Important "Truth"

Getting saved is the easiest and most important thing you can do :)

You just have to come to the knowledge that you (like everyone else on earth) are a sinner in need of salvation or we would spend eternity in Hell.

Salvation is not something we could ever attain on our own, that is why Jesus came to this earth and paid the ultimate price for our sins by allowing himself to be sacrificed for all mankind so through him we can be saved.

Jesus led a sinless life and by doing so was able to take all of humanities sins they would ever commit on himself making one sacrifice that covered all sin.

To be saved you have to say a prayer something like this (but most importantly mean it, because God reads your heart).

Say "God I know I am a sinner.

I know that because of my sin Jesus came to this earth and died for me making atonement for all the sins I would ever commit.

I believe Jesus died on that cross and raised from the dead three days later conquering death ..

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