CCP to Deploy Floating Nuclear Reactors in South China Sea for Military Bases

25 days ago

05/12/2024 WION: CCP plans to build floating nuclear reactors to provide energy for military installations it is building in disputed areas of the South China Sea. The reactors will reportedly help China consolidate its efforts in recent years to reclaim and militarize islands in the region. The plan has raised concerns about its safe use and will heighten regional tensions.
05/12/2024 世界一体新闻台:中共计划修建浮动核反应堆,为其在南中国海有争议地区建造的军事设施提供能源。据报道,这些反应堆将帮助中共国巩固其近年来在该地区填海造岛并加以军事化的进程。该计划引发了人们对其安全使用性的担忧,并将加剧该地区的紧张局势。

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