Sen. Mike Lee: 'Current Law Makes It Easy For Non-Citizens To Vote In Federal Elections'

9 months ago

There is nothing more fundamental to a free republic than the vote. Accordingly, there is no issue more fundamental than ensuring that each qualified U.S. citizen retains the right to cast a vote that counts as one vote and is not reduced from that. All of government flows from the vote of the people. Some officeholders obtain their positions through appointments or otherwise separately from direct election, but there is at some level an elected person or body of elected people holding authority over the matter. Thus, the vote is the foundation upon which our entire system of government rests. The vote is the lifeblood of what it means to self-govern; it is the action and real-life manifestation that gives meaning to self-government. Beyond abstract hypotheses, theoretical potentiality, or ideological debate, the vote is doing something; it is taking an action, an action that counts.

Non-citizens voting in U.S. elections is unfair to citizens of the United States. There should be no impugning the sanctity of one vote cast by one qualified U.S. citizen counting as such. If those who are not U.S. citizens vote in U.S. elections, it reduces the value of the vote cast by a U.S. citizen. The value of a ballot cast by a citizen and counted is canceled by a ballot cast by a non-citizen and also counted.

Non-citizens voting in U.S. elections is problematic because of the importance of elections accurately representing the will of the American people. Fundamental as voting is, it has a purpose, and that purpose is to decide who occupies various positions of authority. When non-citizens' votes are counted, the result is not an undefiled representation of an electoral decision made by U.S. citizens. A distorted result leaves doubt and raises questions about what the will of the people is, and there should be no doubting or questioning an election result. It is fundamentally important to not allow elections to be called into question.

Non-citizens voting in U.S. elections is dangerous because, as non-citizens, such individuals are not naturally oriented to make decisions based on what is best for the United States and could potentially make decisions based on what is best for a foreign entity, a foreign entity which could be hostile to the U.S. Thus, non-American citizens voting here poses a national security threat. Individuals who are not citizens of the United States should not be allowed to vote in U.S. elections.

Twitchy: Sen. Mike Lee: 'Current Law Makes It Easy for Non-Citizens to Vote in Federal Elections'

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