BC Rising - Wed, Apr 24, 2024 Meeting - Maggie Braun, ON (KICLEI), BCTownhalls2024.ca

4 months ago

BC Rising Wed Apr 24, 2024 meeting agenda:
Featured Guest Speaker: Maggie Hope Braun, ON

KICLEI Homepage - Restoring a Local Agenda Over a Global Agenda
* Open Letter to Canadians and Canadian Municipal Councils
* Community Action Plan Workbooks and Slideshows - coming soon
* Delegation Workshop - coming soon
* Restoring a local agenda over a global agenda video
* Slideshow to present the KICLEI Primer
Resources for Maggie Braun and KICKLEI:
* KICLEI Primer - The Step-by-Step Guide to Kick the U.N. (ICLEI) out of Local Governments. https://gather2030.substack.com/p/kiclei-primer-ce9

*KICLEI Primer: https://gather2030.substack.com/p/kicklei-primer-2nd-edition

*The Resolution: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1ExRStL5Q7sxUff04X8VAcfT862dl0by_/view

*Get Involved: https://gather2030.substack.com/p/southern-ontario?

*Intake Form for Gather 2030: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLScB1L5ifNtriimyM0pnbDdoYX8aPnIhzXDiKXAoC639fBBong/viewform

*Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@MaggieHopeBraun/videos

*Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/maggiehopebraun

*Community Support Room: https://gather2030.substack.com/p/kiclei-community-support-room

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