Run! The floor is lava. [w/@ricetubegaming]

10 months ago

In this video me and rice play the gane floor is lava. Do we get enough or do we drown in burn. Found out in the video. If you enjoy the video be sure to do the usual like, subbing and if you want a game for me to play leave a comment. If you want to play the game yourself link to game is below.

Floor is lava -

Shout out to Ricetube Gaming & Xxzaneeeexx! Links to their channels is below.
Ricetube Gaming -
Xxzaneeeexx -

[#roblox, #collab, #pc, #schmidttube, #xxzaneeeexx, #ricetubegaming, #floorislava, #lava, #firstpersonshooter, #simulationvideogame, #massivelymultiplayeronlineroleplayinggame, #actionadventuregame, #nonlineargameplay, #platformer, #rpg, #simulation, #adventuregame, #arcade, #survival, #openworld, #mothersday, #twitch]

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