Men Who Cry Might Have This Issue!

4 months ago

The concept of manhood has been a subject of debate across different societies, with some promoting emotional control and honor, while others emphasize physical strength and emotional resilience. This belief is rooted in the social and cultural rites of passage, such as the Maasai in East Africa and the Amazon, where boys undergo rigorous rituals and physical tests to become men. These rituals are deeply rooted in the social fabric of communities, and are passed down through stories and everyday interactions. However, the idea of crying as a normal and healthy emotional response is rarely well accepted. Psychological regression, a dangerous phenomenon for men, is a way for people to protect themselves during stressful situations. In patriarchal societies, boys must overcome their initial sense of unity with their mother to forge an independent identity in line with cultural norms of masculinity.

Cultural practices and rites of passage help boys become the manly person society expects them to be and reinforce the difference between men and women. Boys often fail to reach manhood due to the absence of father figures and traditional ceremonies, as well as the negative influence of peers, social media, and traditional media. Boys on the path to manhood are prone to psychological regression, which can impact their relationships with women and children.

Crying and showing emotions as a man can be perceived as weak, leading to low self-esteem, depression, anxiety, social isolation, aggression, and overcompensation. In long-term relationships, women love having a rock beside them, and coming off as weak can make them lose hope and sexual interest. Men should have a group of male friends to be vulnerable and share their struggles, as going through long breakdowns in front of women or kids without taking action can cause issues.

0:00 Introduction
01:30 About the video
02:23 The unusual psychology of a man
04:31 Psychological Regression
08:57 My University Story
11:05 How crying men affect women and Children

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