Time - Anatomy of the NOW Moment

4 months ago

Time - Anatomy of the NOW Moment. Freedom Teachings Foundation Course.

Presented by Kathara Team Member Terry 'ThaRhaSeu'

Phoenix, AZ, April 2006.

This module is all about time: time waves and cycles, timelines and probabilities, the genetic time codes within your DNA template, and how the activation of the Flame Body affects your personal time cycles and rhythms.

All our activation is ultimately about the NOW moment and bringing all of ourselves into this eternal instant. Learn about how this NOW moment (also
known as the Eiron or Zero Point) functions in the manifestation-transduction sequence, about our Heroic probability selves and about the dynamics
of time shifts. We are bringing multiple time cycles into co-resonance with activation of the Voyager Time Codes. Join us as we celebrate our homecoming into the NOW

Note: This module can be considered as a “companion” to the Cosmic Clock Reset (CCR/3DVD/HB) workshop (which focuses on the many interconnecting time cycles and all aspects of how the cosmic clock creates time cycles.)
In THIS module, we will focus on the NOW moment and how consciousness is expressed via the medium of time. Includes a 13 page handbook.

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