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Mass Shootings
On February 14, 2018 there was yet another deadly school shooting, this time at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Florida. Are these events random or is someone coordinating them? If someone is indeed coordinating them, what is the end game? Who would benefit from having innocent people murdered?
As soon as there has been a mass shooting, the mainstream media begins clamoring for more gun control. This is an emotional knee jerk response that does nothing because it doesn’t target the criminals perpetrating the violence. The only real effect is denying firearms and limiting the rights of law abiding citizens. You have only to examine the city of Chicago, which has the strictest gun control laws in our nation, but also have the highest murder rate in the nation. There were 771 gun murders in 2016 and another 650 gun murders in 2017. This doesn’t take into account deaths caused by knives, clubs, vehicles, alcohol, drugs, etc.
It is interesting that in nations like the Scandinavian countries, there are no mass shootings in the schools. The United Kingdom, France and Germany have some mass shootings precipitated by Muslim jihadists. The general population in these nations does not own a firearm. When the criminals use a firearm to commit a crime, there are no calls for gun control, since law abiding citizens are already disarmed.
Is it possible there is a sinister organization with a systematic plan to make sure the law abiding citizens should not have the right to own firearms? To answer this question we must turn to the Bible and see what will happen in the end times.
In the Book of Revelation, Jesus revealed there will be two world dictatorships. The first one will be owned and operated by the Devil and he will rule through two men, the Beast (Antichrist) and the False Prophet. (Rev. 13:1-9)
The False Prophet will be in charge of religion (Satanism) and finances. (Rev. 13:10-18)
Since Satan is not omnipotent, omniscient or omnipresent, he is forced to use fallen angels, demons and people who are willing to do his bidding. This was foretold to the prophet Daniel some 2,500 years ago. (Daniel 11:21-24; 36-39)
According to the Book of Revelation, the Antichrist will rule out of Jerusalem and be the King of the Jews. (Rev. 11:1-8)
God the Father sent Jesus to be the Messiah, the Redeemer and the King of the Jews. The Jewish priesthood, the religious leaders, the Pharisees, the political leaders, the Sadducees and the majority of the Jewish people rejected Jesus as their Messiah/King. (John 1:1-11; Matt. 27:1-2; 11-25)
The Jews instead believed in the mystical Kabbalah and the extra-biblical Talmud and have been diligently working for some 2,900 years to prepare the world for their messiah. They were scattered all over the world since 70 A.D., and have prayed to one day get the land of Israel restored to them and take control of Jerusalem. They took the name World Zionist Organization at their first congress in Basel, Switzerland in 1897, and in the platform they adopted, the first goal was to secure the land of Palestine and Jerusalem and establish the political state of Israel. This was accomplished in 1948.
The apostle John labeled the people who reject Jesus as the Messiah as followers of the Antichrist. (1 John 4:1-6)
The Zionists will eventually succeed and rebuild a new temple in Jerusalem. Their false messiah will become a world dictator. (2 Thess. 2:1-12)
Satan will use lies, deception, violence, terror and wars to accomplish his goal of subduing all people on the earth under the dominion of the Jewish messiah/king. (John 8:44)
The Kabbalah teaches that it is up to the Jewish people to prepare and establish the political state of Israel and then to build a world system which their messiah can use and manage.
The Kingdom of God will be established by the Son of God and true Messiah. Jesus won’t use His followers (the church) to build up a political kingdom. On the contrary, Christians are to pray, lead people to salvation, cast out demons, pray for the sick, raise the dead, cure the lepers and open the eyes of the blind. (Matt. 10:1; 7-8; Luke 9:1-2; 10:1-2; 17-20; Matt.28: 18-20; Mark 16:15-20)
Jesus will return to the earth with the armies of heaven and his first mission will be to take control of Israel and the city of Jerusalem. This heavenly invasion will engage the Antichrist, the False Prophet and the armies of the world and utterly destroy them in just seconds. The Antichrist and the False Prophet will be captured and taken to the Lake of Fire to begin their eternal torment; all the surviving soldiers who survived the invasion will be executed on the battlefield. Anyone who has taken the Mark of the Beast will be executed and sent to hell. (Rev. 19:11-21)
Satan will be arrested and locked up for a 1,000 years in the bottomless pit. (Rev. 20:1-3)
Jesus will set up His thousand year kingdom and rule out of Jerusalem. This will be the first world dictatorship under God. (Ezek. 37:21-28; Rev. 20:4-6)
The first dictatorship will be Luciferian. It will enjoy a brief time of prosperity and peace but will culminate with an outer space invasion that leaves most of the world destroyed.
The second dictatorship will be divine and ruled by Jesus. The Son of God will restore the earth and eliminate death.
As you can see, each dictatorship will be different. The first one will be built on lies, whereas the second one will be built on truth.
When I attended Golden Gate Baptist Theological Seminary in Mill Valley, California from 1969-1973, I found out that most of my professors did not believe the Book of Revelation was real. We were told the apostle John wrote this book in code while imprisoned on the Island of Patmos. In order to communicate with the church in Ephesus, he wrote an allegorical write up to get a message to his congregation. Thus the Book of Revelation has no value to Christians.
This is not just taught at the seminary I attended, but in all Southern Baptist seminaries, including the other theological institutions in the United States and the rest of the world. Therefore, few pastors will ever teach on the Book of Revelation and they don’t believe there is any such thing as an antichrist, a world government, mark of the Beast, etc.
Most Christians don’t understand there is an evil conspiracy to take over the world. The people behind this are Zionists and they will go to any length to make sure they have a kingdom prepared for their messiah. Christians don’t read Jewish newspapers and other publications and they certainly don’t know what is stated within the Kabbalah and the Talmud. As a result, the Zionists get away with murder while Christians parrot the party line that “we must bless Israel at any cost.”
Christian Zionists will become livid when anyone challenges their beliefs. There is no place in the Bible where it states that Christians are to bless Israel and the Jews, especially when they reject God. This is a blatant lie that has been repeated so many times over the last 100 years that most people believe it without verifying if it is true.
February 28, 2018
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