Bill Maher drops Stormy Daniels bombshell; airs 2018 interview with porn star

1 month ago

Bill Maher drops Stormy Daniels bombshell as he airs 2018 interview with porn star that undermines her Trump trial testimony - Destroys Alvin Bragg’s Sham Trial
Bill Maher Drops Unexpected Bomb on Democrats’ Fading Hope to Jail Trump

“The Democrats have had four years to put Trump on trial and it is all just going away. They blew it at every turn.”

1.) Fani Willis is having an affair with the guy she hired. “And now that one’s going to be delayed.”

2.) “The stolen documents one; that’s never going to happen.”

3.) “She [Stormy Daniels] is a bad witness.”

• In 2018, Daniels described her encounter with Trump as consensual. Now, she’s using “Me Too” buzzwords to suggest the opposite.

Take a listen to what Daniels said then vs. what she says now.

“It’s not a ‘Me Too’ case,” Daniels said at the time. “I wasn’t assaulted. I wasn’t attacked, or raped, or coerced, or blackmailed. … They tried to shove me in the MeToo box to further their own agenda. And first of all, I didn’t want to be part of that because it’s not the truth and I’m not a victim in that regard.”

Maher noted that Daniels has since struck a different tone.

He said, “She’s talking about ‘he was bigger and blocking the way.’ It’s all the MeToo buzzwords. She said, ‘There was an imbalance of power for sure.’ ‘My hands were shaking so hard.’ She said she blacked out. Blacked out? She’s a porn star! … Do you really think she blacked out? A porn star is used to having sex with people she doesn’t [like] … I just think she’s not a good witness.”

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