in the midst of my affliction i thank God

9 months ago

we're back to cold, black coffee
i saved some of that pot of coffee from last night actually
damn my tire pressure light just came on
in the midst of my affliction i thank God
with patience comes appreciation
the easier stuff won't teach you anything
if i don't cry then what's the point
wanting to kill yourself MORE doesn't feel much like medicine
make some sense outta this life, that's what i'm trying to do
i can't learn n grow taking their shit advice
my solutions are better than yours
i see what your "solutions" to do ya
you don't value your life or anything really
i'd rather experience sumin painful than not feel anything at all
it's your life/body/mind/voice, EVERYTHING is a choice
it's not impulsive actually but a general sentiment
waiting for deliverance, knowing there's a reason for this

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