Patient Bulldog Models Prescription Glasses In Hopes For A Treat

6 years ago

We all love them to bits. Our dogs are pretty much our babies, a creature we took in our homes and swore to love and keep forever and ever. Of course, they love us back; sometimes maybe even more than we love them. We are everything in the eyes of our canine companions and in that honor, they are prepared to do pretty much anything if that means they will get a warm smile, a pat on the back and a scratch on the chin for it. Like, for example, wear their owner’s prescription glasses.

Rollo the <a href="" target="_blank">English Bulldog</a> dons her glasses and reviews cookbooks for her weekly meal plan. Now if someone would just teach her how to cook! She looks <a href="" target="_blank">silly</a> without those glasses, but with them Rollo’s silliness gets an extra dimension!

We love how extremely calm she is. Whether it is because she would rather wear those heavy glasses instead of going for a walk, or taking a bath, or maybe even extort that juicy piece of meat in the fridge she’s been eyeing all day long. Or maybe, just maybe, she wants to get her hands on that stand mixer and whip up a batch of delicious cupcakes, complete with unicorn frosting. Her owner won’t let her, so she sits there, seeing next to nothing, because she doesn’t need prescription glasses, and hopes that maybe later she will get to whip something up.

Who knows...

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