The Key to wealth and Success | Andrew Tate motivation

9 months ago

Advertised by Tate and costing $8,000, the War Room is described as "a global network in which exemplars of individualism work to free the modern man from socially induced incarceration" claiming to teach men "physical, mental, emotional, spiritual, and financial development".[10] The alleged leader of the group, Miles Sonkin, also known as Iggy Semmelweiss, met Tate in 2018 and the group was established in 2019.[51][52] The Tate brothers are considered to be the head of the group.[53] In August 2023, a BBC investigation led by Matt Shea discovered evidence of women groomed into online sex work by members of the group,[51] described as an all-male secretive society.[39] In response, Tate claimed:

The War Room promotes self-discipline, motivation and confidence building whilst giving members access to thousands of professionals from around the world who encourage personal responsibility and accountability, emphasising the importance of taking ownership of your choices and actions.[51]

The group chat, featuring 12,000 pages of encrypted messages, indicated that the group taught a "Pimpin' Hoes Degree" course, abbreviated to PhD, using techniques to "romantically seduce, emotionally manipulate and socially isolate women before luring them into performing on webcams".[51] A since deleted description of the now defunct PhD course on the website read:

My job was to meet a girl… get her to fall in love with me to where she’d do anything I’d say, and then get her on webcam so we could become rich together.

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