Trampoline Suddenly Snaps

6 years ago

Here at AFV, we get a lot of trampoline clips. All in all, there’s probably enough to fill an entire season of shows. It makes sense when you think about it; people jumping on an unpredictable surface that affords them little to no control over their movement, it’s a wonder every outing on a trampoline doesn’t end in a fail! As the clip you are about to see shows, there’s even another factor that plays a really, really big role: the integrity of the surface.

We start off with a dad type, bouncing his little heart out. He gets higher and higher and higher, until… SNAP. The floor gives out underneath him. That’s the thing with this rubbery material, leaving it outside in rain and sun erodes it over time. The change is so subtle one can hardly even tell it’s not as strong as it once was, and it works at first, until it doesn’t. Textbook example of a “false sense of security” if there ever was one.

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