How To Use Feedly To Find Tons Of Video Content Ideas

25 days ago

Here are some tips for using Feedly to find tons of video content ideas:

Set up feeds for topics and keywords related to your niche. Follow blogs, news sites, influencers, and other sources that publish content relevant to the topics you want to cover in videos.
Use Feedly's search function to find feeds specifically about video ideas, trends, tips etc. Search for terms like "video marketing ideas", "content ideas for [your niche] videos", etc.
Create boards or collections in Feedly to organize sources and articles by potential video topics or themes. This makes it easy to browse ideas all in one place.
Pay attention to popular articles, viral stories, trending news etc in your niche. These can provide inspiration for timely, buzz-worthy video topics people are interested in.
Look for data-driven articles, research studies, expert interviews etc that you can turn into informative/educational video scripts.
Follow YouTube influencers in your space to see what kinds of videos they are producing that get engagement.
Check for any Q&A sites or forums discussing your topics - these can reveal common questions or pain points you can address with videos.
Use Feedly's note-taking tools to capture video ideas as you browse, and tag them for easy reference later.
The key is curating lots of relevant sources in Feedly, staying updated on your niche's interests, and looking for discussions, stories and topics you can turn into engaging video content.

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