9 months ago

Six months later.
The Zionist army has once again attacked Jabalia city, the stronghold of the steadfast and angry Mujahideen in the northern Gaza Strip.

The Zionist Army announced that the Qassam Brigades had started new formations and new alignments in the Jabalia area, so the Zionist Army is attacking these areas again.

Yesterday, the Zionist Ghabi army started attacking the eastern Jabalia front again and since then the Zionist army is being killed like dogs by the bullets of Mujahideen Qassam.

Last night, despite the indiscriminate bombardment of the Zionist Army, the Mujahideen of the Qassam Brigade killed a large number of the Zionist Army in the vicinity of the Jabalia camp by setting up a heavy ambush.

Zionist military helicopters continued to evacuate their bodies and wounded from Jabalia throughout the night.
I have downloaded this video since December 10, I didn't get a chance to upload it today, but what better opportunity to broadcast this video than today.

A Palestinian citizen inside the Jabalia camp after the withdrawal of the Zionist army after suffering heavy losses on December 10, tells how the Mujahideen burned the Israeli armored vehicles and tanks to ashes in the Jabaliya camp and how the Mujahideen blew up the rags of the Zionists. put
Six months ago, Ahalyan Jabalia was vowing to remain steadfast in his camp
And no doubt they were true to their promise

What the Israeli army suffered in the Jabalia camp last night is not worth hiding or telling

Allahu Akbar and Allah Alhamdulillah

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